Our Next FREE Webinar is Sept. 3rd @ 4pm
Register Here:

The Craft Factory has franchise opportunities available for entrepreneurial crafters like you! Owner Karen McCrady built her business with the ultimate goal of franchising so others could follow in her footsteps and open a Craft Factory in their own town. She loves what she does—and if you are a creator, she knows you will too! Book The Craft Factory Webinar at any time for your convenience! WEBINAR BOOKING

I Want to Be My Own Boss—Tell Me More!

Karen will go over the possibilities of owning your own Craft Factory® and guide you with everything you need to know to get started—for a very low upfront investment.

Grab this free download to read more about The Craft Factory® and see if it could be your forever dream job in your hometown!

Nervous about starting a studio? Don’t be! You already have the talent, everything else is paperwork and green lights! Here is a list of the 10 Steps you need to take to own the studio!

We provide the guidance and training to get you going with The Craft Factory as your own small business! If you have read our free download and printed out the 10 steps, please submit your contact info and we will get in touch with you! Let’s get crafting!

Karen McCrady

Meet Karen: Owner, Entrepreneur, and Chief Crafter at The Craft Factory

Karen McCrady, a professional artist, and painter broke free from the daily grind to follow her passion and open The Craft Factory—a unique studio born from art and creativity! Karen embraces a fun and welcoming energy and treats every individual who walks into The Craft Factory as a friend.

We are looking for other artists and entrepreneurs who are entering the dream stages of opening their own studio! Fill out this form and we will get connected with you soon.

Have Questions? Reach Out to Karen and the Team

Get in touch with us today by dropping us a line—or just stop by and see us at the studio in Lancaster, PA! We will be happy to answer any questions you have about our franchise and what running a creative studio is really like!